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Uniform Miscellaneous
Hi Cadets, Here is some general information about your uniform as well as links to helpful videos and tips for passing your inspection we hope this can be a useful resource for your all.

General Tips
1. Check your self .-- Always to a quick conscious check that you have all the elements of you uniform before leaving for school. cover belt shoes etc forgetting something is an automatic failure.
2. Never leave you uniform in your locker-- If you leave the uniform crumpled for an extended period of time wrinkles will form. if you hang it up properly (video) then you most likely won't have to iron it.
3. Measure the items--it Is very tempting to simply eyeball, don't do it. at first go according to the book measure it all out, and ask a friend to check if the measurement it correct while wearing the uniform.
4. For males, put on your shirt before you put on you pants-- this will just help you avoid hassle with trying to tuck the shirt in, after you put on the pants check your gig-line (video)
5. For females, hair spray is your friend-- look at the standard in the book for how to do your hair, stay within them and you'll be all good. ask older female cadets for help and tips if you need it, here is a video as well (video)
Lastly here is a how to shine your shoes video!
The most Important thing to remember is that these tips are meant to help you, but In the end your Uniform is your Responsibility,
These are some videos which go over in more depth what is described above. And will show you how to do some of the stuff as well as more tips.
Video clarifications
1. Dry clean your shirt the first time if the military creases aren't showing up.
2. hang up the shirt ASAP, I don't make that very clear in the video but the sooner you do it the better.
Male Uniform Reference Pictures.

Belt/Gig-line reference
seem of pants seem of shirt and belt all in line.

Note how there is only brass showing on the belt buckle. the buckle should create a solid brass block lined up with the seems on your waist. Additionally you can see the direction of the belt is facing towards the wearers left
Female Uniform Reference Pictures.

NJROTC Ribbons

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